The Week Junior Workout 3 - Do Something Different
Our collaboration with The Week Junior continues with this “20 Minute by Minute” workout.
For this workout you’ll need a ruck filled with books to make it heavier and a timer, ideally with a beep at the start of every minute - Try downloading it’s free and really easy to use.
THE WARM UP (5mins)
Alternate between
30 second Jogging on the spot
30 second Superman (arch) hold
THE WORKOUT (20 minute EMOM)
At the start of every minute change to a different exercise (EMOM - every minute on the minute).
12 x Chair Dips
6 x each leg of Bulgarian Split Squats
12 x Rucksack Ground to Overhead
12 x Rucksack Overhead Lunge
This workout can be made harder by increasing the number of repetitions of the exercise you do in each minute. This workout may start out easy but trying to keep to the same number of repetitions for the whole workout is where it get’s tough!